Friday, February 4, 2011

The Governor Loses His Marbles! PART II

Last time, the Governor made an annoucement to the state's capital in Hawaii. Honalulu, that's right. He forced all of his fellow citizens to eat EVERY kind of sandwich in the world.Everyone was very nervous to speak out, so they said, "Yes, sir." Now, you're gonna find out his secret. When we woke up, we screamed because we did not notice that the WHOLE night, it was raining. "EVERYONE, BACK INTO THE HOUSE!" I said. We all ran to the back door, pounding on it and yelling. At last, Blossom's mom came and opened the door. We then, except me, fainted. After everyone was back to normal, we spied on Blossom's dad. "Yeah, I'll bet that the citizens don't know about our secret for them to be our servants. This will be my chance to strike rich! HAHAHA! Yes, it was nice talking to you too sir. Toodaloo!" We went to the kitchen to eat breakfast before he left the room. "What does he mean by 'strike rich'?" Dan asked. "I don't know, Dan, but I'm sure we'll find out soon." Blossom said. After we ate breakfast, all of our parents (except me and Blossom) called and said that they're ALL going out of town for 2 weeks and asked the Governor if their kids can stay at their house. He said yes, and we all jumped up and down! "YES!!!" we said. Then we rushed up to Blossom's room and started to start our mystery. Milly called her parents and asked her if they can get her spy gear really quick before they leave. They came to Blossom's house and gave Milly her spy gear and a big hug and a big kiss. I was in charge of the mystery and I sent Randall and Sandra to get some clues. Then Blossom and Ivy were going to spy on the Governor. Then Maya and Rebecca were going to go take some pictures of the crime scene. And Dan and Milly helped me gather the data. Before everyone did their job, every group were each going to take 1 walkie talkie to be in contact.Then everyone went to do their job. We then got a message from Blossom and Ivy. "He said that he will build a place where everyone will be come his servants and worship him." Ivy said. "We're not in the time of Jesus Christ, Ivy." Milly said. "Just keep listening." Then 2 minutes later, Sandra was on. "We got some clues. He has a breifcase all locked up and Randall is gonna figure out the code." "Is it in numbers or letters?" "It's in letters." "OK. Your job now is to figure out the code without Blossom's dad looking. Just try to steal the breifcase." So they did.

TO BE CONTINUED IN 20 MINUTES..........................